Chapter 1067: Siblings Reunited
Arthur gasped after hearing what the Vampire said.
His sister was fighting! Even after death, she was fighting as a ghost.
Something he never thought or imagined possible at all.
His sister was so furious, so filled with dark thoughts, that her corpse and her soul became corrupted, becoming undead.
But for some reason, she wasn’t a mindless one, she acted methodically, cunningly, and constantly grew stronger as well.
Usually, corpses that died gruesomely would always be purified and washed with holy water, if not burned away.
But for some negligence in part of those that handled her execution, Maria’s corpse and soul were not burned nor purified.
Meaning that over time, all the hatred she accumulated, it transformed her soul, corrupting her, she cursed herself, becoming a ghost.
“My sister… a ghost?” Arthur gasped. “She… She’s fighting…?”
Arthur didn’t know what to think, she wasn’t revived or something, she had become a monster.
He felt fear and sorrow after learning his sister might still be suffering as an undead, fighting against these monsters pointlessly.
But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel shocked and amazed, his sister was out there, dead or not, she was present, she was existing!
A slight amount of hope had blossomed inside his heart in that moment.
“She sure is fighting.” Hendrick sighed. “She has already killed so many of our kind, and she has been doing even worse things. There’s no way I am giving you away to the church bastards, you’re going to become my little bargaining chip, Arthur, my boy.”
“M-My sister will find me! She’ll rescue and make you all pay!” Arthur screamed furiously, as they dragged him away.
“She sure will! And once she does, I will show her the little brother she has been missing for so long! Wouldn’t that be a beautiful encounter?” Laughed Hendrick. “Of course, I will make sure to take good care of you, Arthur… In fact, I will make you much stronger too, you’re going to be my perfect little guinea pig. But him in the labs with the rest, use him as a vessel, just don’t kill him.”
“Remember my words! My sister… She’s strong! She will come for your life, BASTARD!”
Arthur fought until the very end, even as he was experimented on, and slowly transformed. Even when they took away his heart and replaced it with a miasmic crystal, and even when he suffered the agony of miasma flowing through his veins, as he felt like he would die at any moment.
The hope he had gained after learning that his sister was fine was everything he needed to continue on living and fighting, no matter how hard it could get, and no matter how painful it was…
Yet he never thought that Hendrick would go even further. When he and the rest heard explosions above the palace, Arthur knew it, as lethargic and sick as he felt after being turned into a chimera.
“Big sis… She’s here…” He laughed. “She’s come to kill all the bad guys… Big… big sis…”
As tears flowed from his eyes, Hendrick appeared, panicking and shocked, gritting his sharp teeth in anger and frustration. With a wave of his hands, his demonic magic powers quickly took over the Demonite hearts of everyone.
“She’s here… You damn bastards, you useless pieces of shit!” Hendrick screamed. “Become my meat shield! E-Especially you, Arthur! Your time has finally come for you to meet your sister, might as well greet her with a happy smile, right?!”
“W-What are you…?!” Arthur’s eyes widened as he saw his own skin and arms melt away slime, slowly fusing with the bodies of the other children and people with him.
Amidst their screams of horror, he experienced, in utter agony, as his entire body became disfigured and monstrous, fusing with the bodies of many others, even his soul did, as he was unable to even know what was happening anymore.
But he felt nausea, pain, agony, and an intense headache. He kept crying blood, vomiting his own innards, all while his soul experienced great pain.
“Big… sis..! GRAAGGHH…!”
As he screamed in agony, slowly, he felt all sense of self.
He only remembered a flash of bright light, and chains wrapping around his aberrant body.
And then the darkness that he had imagined was death.
Finally, he was finally going to die.
For a moment, he felt relieved that the embrace of death would finally free him from the agony he was experiencing.
Yet he didn’t die.
Even as he found himself floating amidst an endless sea of obscurity, gentle hands, phantasmal in nature, held him.
“Arthur… I will heal you, no matter what.”
It was the voice of his big sister.
His mind was foggy, his memories didn’t make much sense anymore, and he felt a lot of pain.
But even now, he could clearly remember her… His sister.
He couldn’t talk, as he was constantly going between consciousness and unconsciousness.
But he could feel her embrace, her phantasmal hands, her gentle touch, and the slight, relieving coldness that her hands brought to his pained, flaring soul.
Slowly, even his body was restructured, even as it had melted and fused with other bodies, everything, every single inch of himself came back, every cell, everything.
And even those things that were missing were quickly replaced, he got new eyes, new bones, a stronger body, yet still a living one.
“Big… sis…”
He watched her repair his soul, gently sewing it all back together, and then restoring him completely, placing him back into his still living body, and feeding him with potions.
These potions, he was unable to describe their flavor, his tasting buds were inactive, yet he could feel the flavor through his soul.
Sweet and citric, delicious and refreshing.
His weak soul became stronger rapidly, healing back and then becoming several times larger than ever before.
The memories that didn’t belonged to him were long gone, and his mind and memories became clearer, much clearer, rapidly connecting back with his repaired and remade brain.
His body was complete…
She had done the impossible, repairing his body down to the very last detail.
“I love you, big sis…”
Arthur felt so grateful that he felt frustrated he couldn’t do anything to thank her.
Despite his body needing rest, after only 24 hours of sleeping, he woke up.
His eyes shining brightly with many colors.
And Maria was there, shocked to see her brother awake.
Arthur started crying tears of happiness as he saw his big sister sitting right next to him, his body resting over a comfortable and soft bed.
The calm breeze washing down over his face, coming from the window of the inn they were staying in.
Both siblings started crying desperately, as Maria hugged Arthur tightly, the first thing she did.
“ARTHURRR!” She continued crying, as if her life depended on it.
“Big sis… You’re really here, you’re alive…” Arthur continued crying. “I’m so happy, I’m so happy you’re here… Big sis… Big sis…”
“I’m so sorry for taking so long to get to you…” Maria kept crying. “So much happened, but I finally am here, and I won’t let you go ever again… I will protect you. I will do what a big sister must have done from the very beginning…”